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Melting furnace process

Process Introduction


The thoroughly treated slag in the plasma gasifier falls onto the conveyor belt through the grate and discharge device at the lower part of the gasifier, and is sent through the conveyor belt to the slag bin of the melting furnace proportioning system. HW18 incineration fly ash and foreign slag are temporarily stored in a temporary storage warehouse using ton bags. During disposal, the slag is transported to a designated location using a forklift truck, and the fly ash is transported to the plasma melting furnace slag silo using pneumatic conveying. The conveying process is sealed without leakage. The slag in the slag silo and materials in other formula silos are fed into the mixer through a belt and screw conveyor, and mixed evenly in the mixer before entering the melting furnace for melting.

Process Principle

After fully mixing various materials in the mixer, they are sent to the plasma melting furnace feeding system. After entering the plasma gasification melting furnace, the electrodes are energized and heated, with a temperature that can rise to around 1450-1700 ℃. The materials in the furnace melt under high temperature to form a slurry, and the residual organic substances in the slag and fly ash are completely decomposed at this temperature. After melting, precious metals are quantitatively discharged through the overflow port for recycling, Inorganic substances are converted to a vitreous state, binding contaminated heavy metal ions into the lattice of the vitreous body, achieving harmless treatment, and can be used for specifying building materials, making rock wool or microcrystalline ceramic tiles, and resource utilization. After the molten slurry accumulates to a certain amount, it flows out through the discharge port of the plasma melting furnace. The water cooled slag extractor is used for discharging, and the molten glass body is placed in a ton bag. By mixing the formula, it is ensured that the outflow glass body will fall into the water and form a granular glass body.

Technical Advantages

1. Clean energy: pure power consumption, no gas burning, no oil burning

2. High thermal efficiency: This furnace design greatly reduces heat loss and improves thermal efficiency. At the same time, the low temperature at the top also inhibits the volatilization of volatiles

3. Smooth slag discharge: The discharge port adopts the U-shaped tube design principle, and a carbon silicon rod heating device is installed in the flow passage to prevent the flow passage from clogging, making it easier for materials to flow out

4. Easy replacement of accessories: It is not necessary to shut down the furnace to replace accessories, and the electrode is pushed from outside to inside. The electrode is replaced every two years

5. Simple startup and shutdown of the furnace: after using a new electrode, it is not necessary to empty materials before starting the furnace, and it can be started and stopped at any time

6. The waste slag can be turned into harmless glass body for resource utilization, while the precious metals in the slag can be recovered

Performance Index

1. The unit price of molten slag and fly back per ton can be reduced to about 800 yuan

2. The vitreous body is harmless and the leaching toxicity test is close to zero