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Calcium deacidification process

Process Introduction

Limestone gypsum method deacidification process is referred to as calcium method deacidification, which circulates and sprays the absorption liquid Ca (OH) 2 in the tower. The liquid droplets continuously absorb SO2 in the flue gas, generate calcium sulfite and calcium sulfate, and continuously enrich them. High pressure fans are used to blow air into the desulfurization liquid, oxidize calcium sulfite into calcium sulfate (gypsum), and when its concentration reaches the set value, it is pumped into a vacuum belt dehydrator through a slurry pump for dehydration and drying to form slag, The product is desulfurized gypsum, which can be utilized as a resource. After the acid gas in the flue gas is removed, it is discharged into the atmosphere after demisting and meets the emission standards. This process is widely used in systems such as coal-fired boilers in large and medium-sized thermal power plants, and sintering machines in iron and steel plants.

Process Principle

The calcium method for desulfurization uses limestone or lime as an absorbent, which is dissolved in a stirring tank to generate a Ca (OH) 2 (or Ca2CO3) solution. After the flue gas enters the absorption tower, it is evenly contacted with the spray atomized slurry in the absorption section composed of three spray layers throughout the entire absorption tower section. Acid gases such as SO2, SO3, HF, and HCl in the flue gas are effectively absorbed, while washing the fly ash in the flue gas and reducing the flue gas to saturation temperature. After SO2 is absorbed in the absorption section, calcium sulfite is generated and enriched in the absorption liquid. The absorption liquid is subjected to forced oxidation to oxidize calcium sulfite into gypsum. The gypsum solution enters the dehydration system to achieve solid-liquid separation, and the generated gypsum can be used as a building material.


After leaving the absorption section, the flue gas continuously flows through two layers of zigzag mist eliminators to remove the water mist, and the washed and purified flue gas is discharged through the chimney. This saturated type of washing can not only remove acidic gases, but also wash pollutants such as dust and heavy metals in the flue gas.


The calcium based desulfurization system includes a desulfurization agent storage, transportation, slurry preparation and supply system, an acid gas reaction and oxidation system


Desulfurization product processing system, power supply and distribution system, instrument and control system.

Technical Advantages

1. Mature technology, stable operation, high desulfurization efficiency, and strong adaptability to various flue gases

2. Widely used in systems such as coal-fired boilers in large and medium-sized thermal power plants, sintering machines in steel plants, etc., it is currently the most typical mainstream desulfurization process in China

3. The internal structure of the desulfurization tower is simple, convenient for maintenance, not easy to scale, and has a long service life

4. The system has a large circulation capacity, good incidental dust removal effect, and high heavy metal removal rate

Performance Index


The efficiency of deacidification by calcium method can reach over 95%, and the combination of wet electrostatic precipitation can meet the national ultra-low emission requirements