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Washing absorption+UV photolysis+activated carbon adsorption process

Process Introduction

Currently, the mainstream technology used in hazardous waste temporary storage and domestic waste deodorization systems is the washing and absorption+UV photolysis+activated carbon adsorption process, which is widely used in fields with complex organic waste gas components such as solid waste treatment, chemical industry, processing and manufacturing, aquaculture compost, municipal and other production sites.

Process Principle

Washing and absorption: A countercurrent packed absorption tower is used. When the gas passes through the tower, it fully contacts and mixes with continuously circulating acidic and alkaline washing liquids, respectively absorbing alkaline and acidic gases in the flue gas, including ammonia, amines, hydrogen sulfide, and low-level fatty acids.


UV photolysis: UV photolysis catalytic oxidation waste gas purification equipment is a mature process that activates nano catalysts (TiO2) through ultraviolet radiation of a specific wavelength, generating electron hole pairs, allowing the photocatalyst to interact with H2O molecules and O2 molecules, combining to generate hydroxyl radicals (· OH), which are used to decompose harmful component molecules, thereby achieving the goal of deodorization and eliminating air pollution.

Activated carbon adsorption: After treatment by a spray tower and UV photocatalysis system, the vast majority of the components in the exhaust gas are decomposed, but there are still some components that are difficult to decompose. Subsequently, the exhaust gas enters the activated carbon adsorption equipment, and through the intermolecular attraction generated by its highly developed microporous structure, the odor components, volatile organic molecules, or molecular groups distributed in the gas phase are adsorbed, thereby achieving deodorization The purpose of eliminating air pollution.


Technical Advantages

1. High processing efficiency


2. Comprehensive functions, good absorption effect


3. Stable system operation and low operating cost

Performance Index


Efficiency can reach over 90%