The National Conference on Ecological and Environmental Protection was held in Beijing

2023-03-16 13:40:00 views:0

From February 16 to 17, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment held the 2023 National Conference on Ecological and Environmental Protection in Beijing. Sun Jinlong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Huang Runqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, attended the meeting and made a work report.

The meeting pointed out that 2022 is an extremely important year in the history of the Party and the country. The successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has formulated the major policies of the Party and the country for the present and future periods, and described the grand blueprint for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China systematically summarized the remarkable achievements and major changes made in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era in the past ten years, and made major decisions and arrangements to promote green development and promote the harmonious coexistence of human and nature. The national ecological environment system should fully understand the significance of learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", strengthen "four consciousness", strengthen "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance", consciously achieve real results in comprehensive study, comprehensive grasp, and comprehensive implementation, and effectively integrate ideas into the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, We should concentrate our efforts on the tasks set by the 20th CPC National Congress, and promote the strategic deployment of the 20th CPC National Congress to be translated into work tasks, and be implemented in all aspects of the whole process of ecological and environmental protection.

The meeting stressed that the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China deeply explained the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements and major principles that must be firmly grasped in Chinese path to modernization. The modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature is one of the Chinese characteristics of Chinese path to modernization. The national ecological environment system should deeply grasp the mission and task of building a harmonious symbiotic modernization of man and nature, more consciously consider the ecological environment protection work in the overall situation of promoting Chinese path to modernization and building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and more consciously participate in the great practice of building a harmonious symbiotic modernization of man and nature.

We should adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over ecological and environmental protection, earnestly shoulder the political responsibility for the construction of ecological civilization, and further promote the central supervision of ecological and environmental protection. We should maintain the strategic focus on strengthening the protection of the ecological environment, adhere to ecological priority and green development, firmly hold the bottom line of the ecological environment, and promote the realization of higher quality, more efficient, more equitable, more sustainable and safer development. We should unswervingly implement the principles of precise, scientific and legal pollution control, and constantly improve the pertinence, scientificity and effectiveness of ecological environmental protection.

The meeting stressed that strengthening the protection of the ecological environment and building the modernization of the harmonious coexistence of human and nature is a systematic project. We should strengthen the system concept, forward-looking thinking, overall planning and overall promotion. We should integrate ecological environmental protection into the overall interests of the Party and the country, take into account the overall situation, understand the overall situation, do our duties, and understand our own business, benchmark the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, deeply consider and study the entry points and main points of the ecological environment department in promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and ensure that the direction of green development is not biased in implementing the requirements of stable growth, employment, and price stability, We should grasp the pace and intensity of work in the in-depth promotion of environmental pollution prevention and control, and solve outstanding ecological and environmental problems around the people. We should use reform and innovation to promote the solution of deep-seated contradictions and problems that restrict the development of ecological and environmental protection.

The meeting pointed out that achieving the goals and tasks of the new era and new journey has put forward new and higher requirements for the spiritual state, ability, quality, style and image of leading cadres at all levels. The national ecological and environmental system should fully implement the general requirements for the construction of the New Era Party and the organizational line of the New Era Party, constantly promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, build a high-quality cadre team worthy of the task of national rejuvenation, and strive to forge an iron army for ecological and environmental protection. We should keep the "number" in mind, keep in mind the "size of the country", and have a clear understanding of the national conditions, provincial and county conditions, the basic situation of ecological environment protection, various risks in the field of ecological environment and their causes. Efforts should be made to make the work more grounded and popular, so that various ecological and environmental protection policies can be better grasped by the masses and the grass-roots level. We should be good at using the rule of law to promote work, and achieve administration, governance and protection according to law. We should learn to do mass work, carry out in-depth and solid research, and keep the work of warming the hearts of the people and conforming to the public opinion in the hearts of the people.

The emission of major pollutants in the country has continued to decline, the goal of improving the ecological environment quality has been successfully completed, and the ecological environment protection has achieved new hard-won results.

We will take multiple measures to support and stabilize the economy, introduce and implement the detailed rules for the implementation of a solid package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy, accelerate the approval of environmental impact assessment of major investment projects on the basis of strict adherence to the bottom line of ecological and environmental protection, and establish and promote the implementation mechanism of major projects in the field of ecological environment in the "14th Five-Year Plan". We will solidly promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development, deeply promote regional major strategic ecological environmental protection work, promote the implementation of "three lines and one single" ecological environmental zoning control, strictly implement the environmental assessment approval of "two high and one low" projects, and focus on exploring the technical methods and working path of reducing pollution and reducing carbon synergy. We will solidly complete the second round of central ecological and environmental protection supervision, continue to promote the "second half of the article" of supervision and rectification, and continue to lead the production of ecological and environmental warning films of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Yellow River Basin. It led to promote the success of the second phase of the fifteenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), and promoted the adoption of the historic "Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework" (hereinafter referred to as the "Framework"). We will make every effort to prevent and resolve risks and hidden dangers in the field of ecological environment, properly deal with all kinds of unexpected environmental events, promote the three-year action of special rectification of hazardous waste and the centralized treatment of hazardous waste risks such as waste hazardous chemicals, complete the environmental risk investigation of more than 10000 tailings ponds nationwide, and actively promote the treatment of repeated letters and visits, and resolve the backlog of letters and visits. Effectively ensure nuclear and radiation safety, complete the three-year action of eliminating nuclear and radiation safety hazards, issue the construction license of 6 nuclear power units and the operation license of 2 nuclear power units, approve the operation of nuclear power waste near the surface centralized disposal site, continue to promote the special supervision and inspection of electronic irradiation accelerators, organize the completion of the first batch of domestic spent fuel combined transport by sea and rail, and complete the environmental assessment and approval of electromagnetic radiation projects such as Jinshang-Hebei 800 kV UHV.

The second is to strengthen the concept of system, and promote pollution control, ecological protection and response to climate change as a whole. We will continue to promote the blue sky defense war, add 25 cities to the support scope of clean heating in the northern region, and have completed the ultra-low emission transformation of the entire process of 210 million tons of crude steel production capacity and the rectification of more than 46000 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) outstanding problems, carry out the supervision and assistance of air quality improvement in key regions, and print and issue the action plan for noise pollution prevention. We will continue to promote the battle of protecting clean water, continue to promote the inspection and regulation of sewage outlets of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Bohai Sea, carry out pilot monitoring of water ecological assessment, launch the investigation and assessment of the pollution status of mines left over from history in the Yellow River basin, promote the renovation of black and smelly water bodies in counties and county-level cities, delimit town-level centralized drinking water source protection zones, implement water quality improvement actions of rivers entering the sea, and promote the construction of beautiful bays. We will continue to promote the clean land protection war, carry out the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution sources such as cadmium in agricultural land soils, implement major engineering projects to control the source of soil pollution, and continue to promote the construction of the pilot area for soil pollution prevention and control and the pilot area for groundwater pollution prevention and control. 16000 new administrative villages have been renovated nationwide. The construction of "waste free city" was fully launched, and 14 new pollutants were included in the key control list. We will continue to strengthen the supervision of ecological protection, continue to implement major projects for biodiversity conservation, carry out pilot projects for the supervision of ecological damage at the red line of ecological protection, and organize and carry out intensive supervision of the "Green Shield" nature reserve. We will conscientiously do a good job in tackling climate change, cooperate with relevant departments in formulating the implementation plan for carbon peak and carbon neutrality in key areas and industries, ensure the smooth operation of the national carbon emission trading market, increase the special supervision and assistance for the quality of carbon emission reports and the rectification of supervision issues, organize and carry out climate investment and financing pilot projects, and promote the beneficial results of the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Third, deepen reform and innovation and improve the modernization level of ecological environment governance. We will deepen the reform of the vertical management system of monitoring, supervision and law enforcement of ecological environmental institutions below the provincial level and the reform of comprehensive administrative law enforcement of ecological environmental protection. We will bring more than 3.44 million fixed pollution sources into the scope of pollution discharge license management, and deepen the reform of the legal disclosure system of environmental information. Continuously improve the system of laws, regulations, and standards, coordinate with the implementation of environmental protection law enforcement inspections, revise the Marine Environmental Protection Law, issue 80 national ecological and environmental standards, and issue the "14th Five Year Plan" environmental health work plan. Effectively improve the level of supervision and law enforcement of the ecological environment, carry out special actions to crack down on environmental crimes of hazardous waste and the automatic monitoring data falsification of key pollutant discharge units for three consecutive years, seriously investigate and deal with a number of suspected cases of fraud in environmental assessment, and continue to carry out special rectification on the standard emission of domestic waste incineration and power generation industry. Comprehensively strengthen the construction of the ecological environment monitoring system, successfully launch three ecological environment satellites, steadily promote the carbon monitoring and assessment pilot, and organize and carry out the national agricultural non-point source pollution monitoring and assessment pilot, and the surrounding monitoring pilot of the key supervision units of soil pollution. Efforts will be made to strengthen the ability of financial support and guarantee, build a reserve of ecological and environmental protection financial support projects, and carry out supervision and assistance for projects funded by the central government. We have thoroughly implemented the action plan of "Beautiful China, I am an actor" to enhance citizens' awareness of ecological civilization, successfully held the national home events of the Sixth Five-Year Plan and the National Low Carbon Day, constantly improved the routine press release system, and continued to promote the opening of environmental protection facilities to the public. We will improve cooperation platforms such as the "the Belt and Road" International Alliance for Green Development, successfully host the annual meeting of the International Cooperation Council and the 30th anniversary commemoration, hold the third China EU High level Dialogue on Environment and Climate, and earnestly implement international environmental conventions.

The capacity of ecological environment governance has been significantly improved, and the international influence in the field of environment has risen significantly, laying a solid foundation for the modernization of harmonious coexistence between human and nature.

The meeting stressed that while affirming the achievements of the work, we should clearly realize that the task of ecological environment protection is still arduous. From the perspective of economic development trend, climate conditions, work basis and international situation, the ecological environment protection work will face greater pressure in 2023 and the next few years. The national ecological and environmental system should fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, target the goal of building a beautiful China in 2035, and implement the "six must adhere to" (must adhere to the people first, must adhere to self-confidence and self-reliance, must adhere to integrity and innovation, must adhere to problem-oriented, must adhere to the system concept, must adhere to the mind of the world), Do a good job in the "six overall plans" (coordinated pollution reduction and carbon reduction and synergy, coordinated PM2.5 and ozone treatment, coordinated water resources, water environment and water ecological treatment, coordinated urban and rural areas, coordinated land and sea, and coordinated traditional and new pollutants), focus on promoting the development of green and low-carbon economy and society, continue to fight in depth for the protection of blue sky, blue water and clean land, and strengthen the supervision of ecosystem protection, We will strictly prevent and control ecological and environmental risks, improve the modern environmental governance system, actively participate in global environmental governance, and do a good job with the sense of responsibility of "always assured".

Comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, focus on promoting high-quality development, better coordinate epidemic prevention and control, economic and social development and ecological environment protection, better coordinate development and security, take the construction of a modern and beautiful China with harmonious coexistence between human and nature as the core, improve the quality of the ecological environment as the core, and take precise, scientific and legal pollution control as the working principle, and coordinate the industrial structure adjustment Pollution control, ecological protection, response to climate change, promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth in a coordinated manner, steadily improve the quality of the ecological environment, help the overall improvement of economic operation, and provide a strong guarantee for a good start in the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country.

The meeting determined that the following key tasks should be done well in 2023.

First, actively promote the practice of building a beautiful China. Focus on major regional strategies to build a leading area of beautiful China, and plan specific measures to support the high-quality development of major strategic areas with high-level protection of the ecological environment. We will vigorously promote rural ecological revitalization and build a beautiful countryside. Strengthen the construction and protection of beautiful rivers and lakes and beautiful bays.

The second is to solidly promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development. We will fully support the overall improvement of the service economy, strengthen the environmental impact assessment service guarantee for major investment projects, focus on promoting the construction of major engineering projects such as the construction of ecological and environmental infrastructure, and vigorously develop the ecological and environmental protection industry. We will carry out collaborative innovation in pollution reduction and carbon reduction in multiple levels and fields, do a good job in the management of the second performance cycle of the national carbon market, improve the greenhouse gas inventory preparation system, and deepen the pilot construction of climate-adapted cities and low-carbon cities.

Third, we will thoroughly fight against pollution. We will solidly advance the battle for the protection of the blue sky, focus on promoting the construction of environmental infrastructure such as natural gas pipeline networks, orderly promote clean heating in the northern region according to local conditions, promote the transformation and comprehensive treatment of ultra-low emissions in key industries, carry out in-depth treatment of VOCs, deepen joint prevention and control of air pollution in key regions, and implement the action plan for noise pollution prevention and control. We will solidly promote the battle of protecting clean water, continue to promote the pilot of water ecological assessment in the Yangtze River basin, comprehensively implement the remediation of the tributaries into the Yellow River, organize and carry out urban (including county) black and odorous water body remediation actions, consolidate and improve the level of drinking water safety assurance, and comprehensively strengthen the supervision of mariculture, marine engineering, marine dumping and marine garbage. We will solidly promote the clean land protection war, strengthen the implementation effect of major engineering projects to control the source of soil pollution, strengthen the control of soil pollution on the plots of enterprises in production and closed and relocated enterprises, carry out the delineation of key areas for prevention and control of groundwater pollution, and continue to promote rural environmental improvement. Strengthen the treatment of solid waste and new pollutants, further promote the high-quality construction of "waste free city", further promote the reform of strengthening the supervision and utilization of hazardous waste, launch the pilot project of new pollutant treatment, and carry out the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution in key industries.

Fourth, we should earnestly safeguard the security of the ecological environment. We will continue to strengthen the supervision of ecological protection and restoration, strengthen the comprehensive law enforcement of ecological environment protection in nature reserves, promote the introduction of major project plans for biodiversity conservation, and further promote the demonstration of ecological civilization construction. Strengthen the investigation of environmental hazards and risk prevention and control in key areas, continue to promote the construction of environmental emergency capacity, improve the joint prevention and control mechanism of water pollution emergencies across river basins, and timely and properly handle various environmental emergencies.

Fifth, strict nuclear and radiation safety supervision. Continue to improve the nuclear safety supervision system and capacity, and strengthen the construction of nuclear and radiation monitoring network. Strengthen the daily supervision of the operation of nuclear power plants and research reactors, carry out in-depth supervision on the approval of new nuclear power units and research reactor license applications and construction and commissioning activities, and strengthen the supervision of the operation of nuclear fuel cycle facilities and on-site supervision of nuclear safety equipment activities. We will strengthen the supervision and inspection of transport containers for radioactive materials and transport activities, uranium mining and smelting and associated radioactive ore development and utilization enterprises, strengthen the supervision of nuclear technology utilization and electromagnetic radiation construction projects, and continue to promote the treatment of radioactive waste, the disposal of associated ore residues, and the decommissioning of old facilities.