Technical specification for monitoring dioxin emission from hazardous waste (including medical waste) incineration and disposal facilities

2023-03-16 14:11:00 views:0

This standard is formulated to implement the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, protect the environment, safeguard human health, regulate the monitoring of dioxin-like pollutants in the exhaust gas discharged from hazardous waste incineration facilities and medical waste incineration facilities, and control the environmental pollution caused by hazardous waste incineration and medical waste incineration. This standard specifies the technical requirements for the location of monitoring points for dioxin emission from hazardous waste incineration and disposal facilities, operating conditions during sampling, sampling equipment, analytical methods, quality assurance and quality control, data processing, result expression and monitoring report. This standard is applicable to the dioxin monitoring during the environmental protection acceptance and supervisory monitoring of the construction project of hazardous waste incineration and treatment facilities, medical waste incineration and treatment facilities and cement kiln co-treatment of hazardous waste. The entrusted monitoring shall be carried out with reference to this standard. The monitoring of dioxin emission from domestic waste incineration facilities can be implemented with reference to this standard.

Technical Code for Monitoring Dioxin Emission from Hazardous Waste (including Medical Waste) Incineration and Disposal Facilities (HJ/T 365-2007)