The Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a regular press conference in February

2023-02-23 15:54:00 views:14

On February 22, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a regular press conference in February. Huang Xiaoyun, Director of the Department of Water Ecological Environment of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, attended the conference and introduced the progress of water ecological environment protection in China. Liu Youbin, the spokesman of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, presided over the press conference, reported the recent progress of key ecological and environmental protection work, and jointly answered the reporter's questions.
  Liu Youbin: Friends of the press: Good morning! Welcome to the regular press conference of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in February.

The theme of today's press conference is to firmly promote the battle for the protection of clean water. We invite Mr. Huang Xiaojun, Director of the Department of Water Ecological Environment, to introduce the progress of water ecological environment protection in China and answer your concerns.

Next, I would like to brief you on several key tasks of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in the near future.

1、 Arrange and deploy the key work of ecological environment protection in 2023

From February 16 to 17, the 2023 National Ecological Environment Protection Work Conference was held in Beijing to summarize the ecological environment protection work in 2022, analyze the current situation, and arrange and deploy the key tasks in 2023.

At the same time, the task of ecological environment protection is still arduous. From the perspective of economic development, climate conditions, work basis and international situation, the ecological environment protection work will face greater pressure in the coming years.

The ecological environment system will comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, maintain the strategic focus on strengthening ecological environment protection, earnestly strengthen the concept of the system, unswervingly implement the policy of precise, scientific and legal pollution control, and more consciously consider ecological environment protection in the overall situation of promoting Chinese path to modernization and comprehensively building a modern socialist country, We should be more conscientious in the great practice of building a harmonious and symbiotic modernization between man and nature, and provide a strong guarantee for a good start in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

This year, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will focus on seven key tasks: first, actively promote the practice of building a beautiful China and focus on regional major strategies to build a leading area of beautiful China; Second, we will solidly promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development, fully support the overall improvement of the service economy, and actively promote collaborative innovation in pollution reduction and carbon reduction; The third is to solidly promote the defense of blue sky, blue water and clean land, and strengthen the treatment of solid waste and new pollutants; Fourth, we should earnestly maintain the safety of the ecological environment and strengthen the investigation of environmental hazards and risk prevention and control in key areas; The fifth is to strictly supervise nuclear and radiation safety, and continuously improve the nuclear safety supervision system and capability; Sixth, promote the supervision and law enforcement of ecological environment protection according to law, and improve the efficiency of ecological environment supervision and law enforcement; Seventh, accelerate the improvement of the modern environmental governance system, continue to promote the revision of laws and regulations in key areas, and promote the research and introduction of green finance, trade and industrial development policies.

2、 The second round of the rectification plan of the central ecological and environmental protection supervision was fully publicized

With the approval of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, from 2019 to 2022, the second round of central ecological environmental protection supervision will complete the supervision of 31 provinces (regions, cities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, 2 departments of the State Council and 6 central enterprises in six batches.

Supervision and rectification is an important part of ecological environmental protection supervision and an important sign of inspection of the effectiveness of supervision work. According to the relevant requirements of the rectification work of the central ecological and environmental protection supervision, the subject of the supervision made public the rectification plan in a timely manner through provincial party newspapers, television stations, government websites, new government media and other means. On February 9, 2023, Jiangsu, Inner Mongolia and Tibet announced the rectification plan. So far, the second round of the rectification plan of the central ecological and environmental protection supervision has all been made public.

The second round of the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision and Rectification Plan identified 2164 rectification tasks. By the end of 2022, 1275 items had been completed, with a completion rate of nearly 60%, and the remaining rectification tasks were being actively and orderly promoted.

In addition, in order to further play the role of propaganda and guidance, encouraging the advanced, exchanging work, leading and driving, we should promote the "second half of the article" of the supervision. The Central Office of Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision has selected important reports from the central media and positive typical cases of local supervision and rectification, compiled and formed the book "Supervision Effectiveness", which has been published recently.

3、 Printing and issuing the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" for Noise Pollution Prevention and Control

In order to promote the implementation of the newly implemented Law on the Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution, the main functional departments of the prevention and control of noise pollution jointly prepared the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" for the Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution, which was officially issued in January this year.

As a guiding document for the prevention and control of noise pollution during the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the Action Plan further consolidated the work foundation, strengthened the key control measures, refined the requirements of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution, and improved the concept of social co-governance, striving to gradually meet the growing needs of the people for a harmonious and peaceful environment.

The Action Plan systematically plans the main noise pollution prevention and control work to be carried out by all departments during the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, with a total of 10 chapters and 50 articles, and constructs a "1+5+4" framework system. "1" is to achieve a goal, that is, to continuously improve the quality of the national acoustic environment. By 2025, the nighttime compliance rate of the national acoustic environment functional areas will reach 85%.

"5" is to deepen the five types of control, namely: strict noise source management, deepen the prevention and control of noise pollution in industrial enterprises, strengthen the prevention and control of construction noise pollution, increase the prevention and control of traffic noise pollution, and promote the prevention and control of noise pollution in social life.

"4" is to strengthen four aspects, namely: consolidating the foundation of acoustic environment management, improving regulations and standards, strengthening support for science and technology education, strengthening monitoring, strict law enforcement, grasping the implementation of responsibilities, and guiding the common governance of the whole people.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will work with all relevant departments to formulate and revise relevant supporting regulations and standards, guide all localities to clarify the division of responsibilities according to law, implement the responsibility of noise pollution prevention and control level by level, steadily improve the level of noise control, continuously improve the quality of the acoustic environment, and promote the formation of a peaceful and harmonious civilization and social atmosphere.

4、 Optimize the way of law enforcement and improve the efficiency of law enforcement

In 2022, the ecological and environmental departments will thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, formulate a package of work measures, and constantly highlight the strength and temperature of ecological and environmental protection law enforcement.

First, we should always maintain a strict main tone and resolutely maintain the seriousness of ecological environment law enforcement. A total of 91000 administrative penalty decisions were issued throughout the year, with a cumulative fine of 7.672 billion yuan; There were 9850 cases in five categories, including 143 cases of continuous punishment on a daily basis, 155 million yuan of fines, 4836 cases of seizure and detention, 629 cases of production restriction and suspension, 2815 cases of detention and 1427 cases of suspected environmental pollution crimes. Expose typical cases of environmental violations and crimes with serious environmental pollution, damage to people's health and adverse impact, and strengthen the role of vigilance and deterrence.

The second is to continuously optimize the law enforcement methods and continuously improve the efficiency of ecological environment law enforcement. The positive list system of supervision and law enforcement was effectively implemented, and 44900 enterprises were included in the positive list in all localities to play a positive role in encouraging law-abiding enterprises. Strengthen the supervision of "double random and one open", and randomly inspect 509900 enterprises, a decrease of 16.1% compared with 2021, effectively reducing the frequency of supervision. At the same time, we will continue to promote inclusive and prudent law enforcement and supervision, and help enterprises find solutions and ways to solve problems through measures such as criticism and education, signing letters of commitment, and assistance and guidance, and promote enterprises to carry out production and operation activities in accordance with the law.

5、 Carry out the promotion and selection activities of "Beautiful China, I am an actor" in 2023

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Central Civilization Office recently jointly issued the "Notice on the Promotion and Selection of Advanced Models of the 2023" Action Plan of 'Beautiful China, I am an actor' to Improve Citizens' Awareness of Ecological Civilization ", and deployed the selection of 100 most beautiful ecological and environmental protection volunteers, 10 best public participation cases, and 10 best environmental protection facilities opening units.

The selection results will be announced to the public during the environmental date of the 6th Five-Year Plan in 2023. Representatives of the 100 most beautiful ecological and environmental protection volunteers, representatives of the top 10 public participation cases and representatives of the top 10 environmental protection facilities opening units will be invited to participate in the national home event of the 6th Five-Year Environment Day in 2023.

Since 2018, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with the Central Civilization Office and other departments, has carried out nationwide practice activities on the theme of "Beautiful China, I am an actor", and publicized and promoted the advanced figures and typical deeds emerging from the activities, providing model demonstration and value guidance for all sectors of society to participate in the construction of ecological civilization, and promoting all sectors of society to jointly build a beautiful China.

Next, let's welcome Director Huang Xiaogui to introduce the situation.
 Huang Xiaozi: Good morning, friends of the press! For a long time, you have been very concerned about, supported and actively participated in the water ecological environment protection work, and made valuable contributions to the national water ecological environment protection cause. I take this opportunity to express my high respect and heartfelt thanks to you! Next, I will brief you on the overall situation of water ecological environment protection in China, and then answer your concerns.

2022 is an extremely important year in the history of the Party and the country. The successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China depicts the grand blueprint for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

The first is to fight the battle of protecting the clear water. Print and issue the action plan to fight the battle for the protection and restoration of the Yangtze River and the action plan for the battle for the ecological protection and governance of the Yellow River, and promote the introduction of the Yellow River Protection Law. Actively promote the pilot of water ecological assessment in the Yangtze River basin, formulate a pilot work plan (2022-2024), and carry out pilot monitoring of water ecological assessment. We will fully support and cooperate with the Central Committee of all democratic parties and non-party personages to carry out the democratic supervision of the ecological environment protection of the Yangtze River. Printing and implementing the action plan for the regulation of sewage outlets in the Yangtze River, more than 90% of the tasks of tracing the source of sewage outlets in the Yangtze River and Bohai Sea have been completed, and more than 20000 sewage direct and random discharge problems have been solved. We have completed the investigation of sewage outlets in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River and 30 cities in 6 provinces and Fenhe River basin. We will implement water pollution control in the Yangtze River Economic Belt and industrial parks in provinces and regions along the Yellow River, and consolidate and deepen the prevention and control of water pollution in industries and cities. Jointly printed and issued the implementation plan for in-depth fight against urban black and odorous water, issued the action plan for environmental protection of black and odorous water treatment, consolidated the results of black and odorous water treatment in prefecture-level and above cities, and promoted the treatment of black and odorous water in county-level cities and counties. We have strengthened the protection of drinking water source areas. A total of 19600 town-level centralized drinking water source protection areas have been designated nationwide, and 10363 problems in 2804 water source areas have been rectified, effectively improving the level of drinking water security. Continue to take the lead in the production of the ecological environment warning film of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the ecological environment warning film of the Yellow River Basin in 2022, and assign a total of 234 local outstanding ecological and environmental issues.

Second, improve the water ecological environment governance system. We will implement the plan to deepen the reform of the Party and state institutions, revise and improve the working rules of the Watershed and Marine Ecological Environment Supervision and Administration, and improve the regulatory efficiency. Establish and improve the regulatory system of fixed pollution sources with the emission permit system as the core, issue guidance on strengthening the enforcement and supervision of emission permit, and bring more than 3.44 million fixed pollution sources into the scope of emission permit management. To promote the reform of the management of sewage outlets, the General Office of the State Council issued the implementation opinions on strengthening the supervision and management of sewage outlets into rivers and seas, and comprehensively carried out the inspection, monitoring, tracing and remediation of sewage outlets. Issued the reference indicators for the protection and construction of beautiful rivers and lakes and beautiful bays, and released the first batch of 26 excellent cases of beautiful rivers and lakes and beautiful bays. We will earnestly do a good job in epidemic prevention and control of water ecological and environmental protection, promote the establishment of a joint prevention and control mechanism for sudden water pollution events in the upstream and downstream of cross-province basins, and firmly hold the bottom line of water ecological and environmental security.

In 2022, the discharge of major water pollutants in the country will continue to decline, and the goal of improving the quality of water ecological environment will be successfully completed. The proportion of national surface water sections with excellent water quality was 87.9%, up 3.0 percentage points year on year; The proportion of sections with inferior Class V water quality was 0.7%, down 0.5 percentage points year on year; The main stream of the Yangtze River has reached Class II water quality for three consecutive years, and the main stream of the Yellow River has reached Class II water quality for the first time. The total emission of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen decreased by 2.1% and 6.8% respectively year on year.

Although the protection of water ecological environment has achieved remarkable results, it still faces many bottlenecks and challenges, and there are still many outstanding problems and shortcomings to be solved. For example, it is difficult to fundamentally eliminate black and odorous water bodies, the ability of water ecological environment governance needs to be improved, some local sewage interception and treatment are not in place, and the problems of blue-green algae bloom and water ecological imbalance still exist.

2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and an important year to thoroughly fight the battle against pollution and promote the construction of a beautiful China. According to the principle of pollution control according to law, we will make overall plans for water resources, water environment, and water ecological management, continue to fight for the protection of clean water, promote the implementation of water ecological environment protection plans for key river basins, promote the ecological protection and management of important rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, constantly improve the modern environmental management system, steadily improve the quality of water ecological environment, and support high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment.

Thank you.

Liu Youbin: Next, please ask questions.
  China Youth Daily: In September last year, 17 departments including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly issued an action plan to thoroughly fight the battle for the protection and restoration of the Yangtze River. How is the current progress? Are there any difficulties or problems in the process? How is it solved? thank you.

Huang Xiaozi: I'm glad to answer your question.

In order to thoroughly implement the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee on the "Great Protection of the Yangtze River", last September, 17 departments and units including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued and implemented the Action Plan for Deepening the Protection and Restoration of the Yangtze River. This action plan is very important. It defines four key tasks and six important safeguard measures for the protection and restoration of the Yangtze River during the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, with a total of 34 specific tasks. This is the work guide for all regions and departments to promote the implementation of the Yangtze River protection in the future. After the release of the Action Plan, all regions and departments have conscientiously implemented it, formulated specific implementation plans for their own regions, and made clear arrangements and arrangements for various tasks. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, as the leading department, carried out policy interpretation in a timely manner. After the release of the Action Plan last September, we held a media briefing. Carefully organize and formulate the work plan, strengthen coordination and scheduling, and promote the implementation and effectiveness of all tasks in the Action Plan. The ecological and environmental protection of the Yangtze River has achieved new and obvious results. Here are a group of specific data. More than 90% of the task of tracing the source of sewage outlets into the Yangtze River has been completed, and more than 20000 problems of direct and random discharge of sewage have been solved, which has been unanimously praised by the local people. We have implemented the special action of water pollution remediation in the industrial park of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, focusing on the key areas to carry out the "three phosphorus" special remediation and "look back" to promote the rectification and thorough solution of historical problems. Deeply carry out the treatment of tailings ponds in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Looking back, 843 of the 1137 tailings ponds with environmental problems have been rectified, and we will focus on local rectification for the rest. We will promote the pilot work of water ecological assessment in the Yangtze River basin and carry out pilot monitoring of water ecological assessment. Continue to take the lead in shooting and producing the ecological environment warning film of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in 2022, and promote the rectification of prominent problems. From 2018 to 2021, the Yangtze River ecological environment warning film disclosed a total of 623 outstanding problems, and 571 have been rectified.

Through the joint efforts of all regions and departments, the proportion of good water quality sections in the Yangtze River basin will be 98.1% in 2022, up 1 percentage point year on year. Since 2020, the water quality of the main stream of the Yangtze River has remained Class II for three consecutive years, and the water ecological environment quality has been steadily improving. As the reporter friend asked, although positive progress has been made, there are still some problems in the implementation of the Action Plan. For example, the coordination mechanism of some local departments is not sound enough to form a working force; In some places, the awareness of water ecosystem protection and restoration is not strong, the level of understanding is not high, and the measures are not precise and powerful enough; The problem of cyanobacteria bloom in some key lakes still exists, the imbalance of water ecosystem is more prominent, and urban and rural non-point source pollution has not been effectively treated.

In the next step, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will work with relevant departments and regions to thoroughly implement the Yangtze River Protection Law, take accurate, scientific and legal pollution control as the working principle, fully implement the requirements of the 2023 National Ecological Environment Protection Working Conference, and further promote the implementation of the Action Plan to take effect. Organize and carry out follow-up evaluation of the implementation effectiveness of the Action Plan, timely report relevant progress, and compact local main responsibilities. We will continue to promote the pilot project of water ecological assessment in the Yangtze River basin, and guide all localities to continuously strengthen ecological protection and restoration.

Exploring the establishment of a water ecological assessment mechanism in the Yangtze River basin is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, an important measure to thoroughly fight the battle for the protection and restoration of the Yangtze River, an important measure to accelerate the filling of the gaps in China's water ecological environment protection, promote the establishment of a new pattern of "three water coordinated" system governance, and strengthen the specific practice of water ecosystem protection and biodiversity restoration in the Yangtze River basin.

Since 2021, we have focused on the prominent problems of the water ecological environment in different regions of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and established an indicator system with "water ecosystem health" as the core and "water habitat protection", "water environment protection" and "water resources security" as the support. This is a positive exploration and innovation, and it can be monitored, evaluated and assessed at the operational level. Last year, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment organized and carried out the water ecological monitoring of the whole Yangtze River basin, completed the monitoring of 50 water bodies such as the main stream and main tributaries of the Yangtze River, key lakes and reservoirs, aquatic vegetation, water conservation areas, natural shorelines and other indicators, and initially established the water ecological monitoring technology system and quality control system.

At the same time, together with the relevant departments, we have studied and formulated the scoring rules for the assessment indicators of water ecology in the Yangtze River basin (for trial implementation), which will be further improved and issued in the near future. During the pilot period from 2022 to 2024, based on the annual water ecological monitoring data, we carried out the evaluation, assessment and trial calculation work, and constantly revised and improved the scoring rules in combination with the actual evaluation results, to ensure that the assessment results can truly reflect the protection and restoration effects of various places, and keep consistent with the objective feelings of the people, and lay a solid foundation for the formal water ecological assessment in the Yangtze River basin in 2025. thank you.
  Science and Technology Daily: The two sessions of the National People's Congress are about to be held. How about the handling of the proposals proposed by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment at the two sessions of the National People's Congress last year? What is the change compared with previous years?

Liu Youbin: In 2022, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment handled a total of 1294 proposals for the National "Two Sessions", including 818 proposals for the National People's Congress and 476 proposals for the CPPCC, with a year-on-year increase of 26.4%.

From the perspective of the content of the proposal, the proposal involving carbon peak and carbon neutralization is the largest, accounting for more than 20% of the total number of proposals undertaken; At the same time, the representative members focused on the fight against pollution and put forward many constructive suggestions around the green and low-carbon development, coordinated governance, ecological restoration and compensation in key regions and basins; In addition, more attention has been paid to biodiversity protection, rural pollution control and new pollutant control. The above proposals have been completed on schedule.

At the same time, I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce the proposals handled by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment since the current government.

From 2018 to 2022, our department undertook a total of 4774 proposed proposals, including 1353 sponsored proposals. The total number of proposed proposals undertaken and the number of sponsored proposals have increased for five consecutive years, and the total number and the number of sponsored proposals have increased by 20% year-on-year.

Judging from the situation in the past five years, the representative members made suggestions and suggestions closely around the country's major reform and development strategy. In 2018, the delegates focused on winning the battle of pollution prevention and control, mainly focusing on water, air, soil, solid waste pollution prevention and control. In 2019, the number of proposals related to the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasses increased significantly. In 2020, most of the proposed proposals focus on the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" ecological and environmental protection planning, ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin. In 2021 and 2022, carbon peak and carbon neutralization will become the focus of the delegates.

Over the past five years, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has insisted on combining the handling of proposals with promoting the construction of ecological civilization, deepening the fight against pollution prevention, strengthening the protection of ecological environment, promoting green development, improving environmental quality, serving high-quality development and solving hot and difficult issues of public concern and social concern, carefully studying relevant suggestions, gathering the wisdom and strength of all parties, and promoting accurate, scientific and legal pollution control, The work in the field of ecological environment concerned by the representative members has achieved remarkable results.

Taking the field of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization, which are highly concerned by the delegates, as an example, last year, in combination with the proposals made by the delegates, the Ministry, together with relevant departments, successively issued policy documents such as the Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Establishment of a Unified and Standardized Carbon Emission Accounting System, the Implementation Plan for Reducing Pollution and Reducing Carbon Synergy, the National Climate Change Strategy 2035, and the Notice on Publishing the List of Climate Investment and Financing Pilot Projects, We will continue to build and improve a unified national carbon emission trading market and vigorously promote green and low-carbon development.

This year's two sessions of the National People's Congress will be held soon. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will handle the proposals with higher standards, better translate the insights of representatives into specific policies and measures, and constantly improve the capacity and level of ecological environment governance.

Upstream news: The central ecological and environmental protection inspector and the inspection of sewage outlets in the river found that some places did not control the problem of direct sewage discharge well, and the sewage interception work was not in place. I want to ask where the bottleneck is to solve these problems, and what measures will the Ministry of Ecology and Environment take to control the source of sewage interception? thank you.

Huang Xiaozi: Thank you for your question. During the investigation of the sewage outlet into the river, it was found that many places had problems of direct sewage discharge and mixed rainwater and sewage discharge in different degrees; In some places, due to the unclear number of pipe networks and the lagging construction of environmental infrastructure, it is still common for sewage pipe networks to be wrongly connected, leaked and collapsed, resulting in a large amount of sewage being discharged into the environment through sewage outlets without effective treatment. In the typical cases exposed by the central ecological and environmental protection inspector, the centralized collection and treatment rate of sewage in some places is even less than 10%, and the pollution control is "superficial"; Some local environmental infrastructure construction lags behind, and the sewage treatment capacity is insufficient. Tens of thousands of tons of sewage are discharged directly every day, resulting in some important local water bodies, even the "mother river", becoming "sewage receiving river". The masses have great opinions. The cause of the water pollution problem is that some places have not established a correct view of political performance. Pollution control requires real money and silver investment, such as the construction of sewage pipe networks and the upgrading and transformation of sewage treatment facilities. The reason is that some places have not established a correct view of political performance. For example, the construction of sewage pipe networks and the upgrading and transformation of sewage treatment facilities have lagged behind, and they have not made up their minds to fundamentally solve the problem. These problems are intolerable.

In the next step, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will actively work with relevant departments to focus on three key tasks.

First, adhere to the problem orientation. To guide and urge local governments to focus on prominent problems, trace the source, strengthen systematic governance, strengthen source control and pollution interception, and significantly reduce the pollution load into the river by comprehensively improving the construction level of environmental infrastructure and carrying out in-depth inspection and treatment of sewage outlets.

The second is to further promote the battle of protecting the water. Print and implement the water ecological environment protection plan for key river basins. We will guide all localities to further strengthen the comprehensive treatment of phosphorus pollution in the Yangtze River basin, deepen the treatment of water pollution in the Yangtze River Economic Belt and industrial parks in provinces and regions along the Yellow River, and comprehensively implement the treatment of deterioration of the tributaries into the Yellow River. Organize and carry out urban (county) black and odorous water treatment action in 2023. We will promptly introduce the supervision and management measures and supporting technical specifications for sewage outlets, and guide all localities to carry out comprehensive inspection and regulation of sewage outlets into rivers and seas.

Third, insist on conducting pressure. Continuously improve the working mechanism for finding and promoting the solution of water ecological environment problems. Regularly carry out national water ecological environment situation analysis, accurately identify and highlight water ecological environment problems, and compact the local main responsibility through the combination of analysis and early warning, dispatching and notification, independent investigation, tracking and supervision. thank you.

Cover News: We noticed that during the Spring Festival holiday this year, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment did not publish the atmospheric environmental quality data as usual. What is the reason? Is the air quality improved during the Spring Festival holiday this year compared with previous years?

Liu Youbin: The Ministry of Ecological Environment attaches great importance to the disclosure of environmental air quality information, and has established a national urban air quality real-time release platform. It has published real-time data of all state-controlled air quality automatic monitoring points on the Ministry of Ecological Environment government website, including six monitoring indicators such as PM2.5, PM10, ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide, and the air quality index (AQI) evaluation results. At the same time, the hourly and daily air quality index (AQI) of all prefecture-level and above cities, as well as the corresponding air quality levels, primary pollutants, etc. are also released.

The day before yesterday, our Ministry reported the national ambient air quality in January 2023. A comprehensive analysis of the national ambient air quality throughout January, including the Spring Festival holiday, was carried out, and the proportion of excellent days, the proportion of heavily polluted days, the monitoring results of six monitoring indicators and the year-on-year changes were published in the country and key regions, the top 20 and the last 20 list of air quality in key cities in January, as well as the list and days of heavily polluted cities in key regions in that month.

In general, in January this year, the national ambient air quality continued to improve. The average number of days with good air quality in 339 prefecture-level cities and above was 74.3%, up 0.9 percentage points year on year. The average concentration of PM2.5 was 55 micrograms per cubic meter, down 1.8% year on year. At the same time, the average ozone concentration was 90 μ g/m3, up 9.8% year on year. According to the monitoring data, during the Spring Festival this year (January 21-27), affected by the concentrated fireworks and firecrackers and adverse diffusion conditions, a total of 60 prefecture-level and above cities in 16 provinces across the country experienced 76 days of heavy pollution days caused by fireworks and firecrackers, mainly distributed in Henan, Shandong, Hunan, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Jilin and other provinces.

You may have noticed that in January this year, the National Ambient Air Quality Report added the proportion of heavily polluted weather in the country and the three key regions, as well as the list of cities and days of heavily polluted days in the three key regions in the current month and the cumulative month. The purpose is to fully protect the public's right to know, participate and supervise the environment, promote public participation and strengthen public opinion supervision through information disclosure; At the same time, we will urge cities with more days of heavy pollution to further strengthen pollution prevention and control efforts, and promote the goal of controlling the proportion of days of heavy pollution and above to less than 1% by 2025, so as to effectively improve the ambient air quality.
Southern Metropolis Daily: According to our understanding, total phosphorus has become the primary pollutant in the Yangtze River basin. How will the Ministry of Ecology and Environment promote the control of total phosphorus pollution in the Yangtze River basin?

Huang Xiaozi: Thank you, reporter friend. I just introduced the situation of the battle for the protection and restoration of the Yangtze River. Since the implementation of the "Great Protection of the Yangtze River" strategy in 2016, various regions have overcome difficulties and achieved remarkable results. The main stream of the Yangtze River has reached Class II water quality for three consecutive years. On the other hand, the ecological environment protection of the Yangtze River is still facing a grim situation, and total phosphorus pollution is increasingly prominent. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, a series of work has been carried out in various regions on the control of total phosphorus pollution, but some problems have not been completely solved. According to the analysis results of the national water ecological environment situation that we regularly carry out, some sections of the main stream of the Yangtze River have local high values of total phosphorus, and the pollution intensity in flood season is high. On March 1, 2021, the Yangtze River Protection Law was formally implemented, clearly requiring "the provincial people's governments of the Yangtze River basin to formulate their own total phosphorus pollution control plan", providing a solid legal guarantee for total phosphorus pollution control.

In order to implement the relevant requirements, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment acted quickly and formulated the Guidelines for the Preparation of the Total Phosphorus Pollution Control Plan in the Yangtze River Basin, which guided all localities to accurately identify the total phosphorus pollution problem and the crux behind the total phosphorus pollution within the basin, and put forward the total phosphorus pollution control objectives and technical paths according to local conditions. It is required to link up with the water ecological environment protection plan of key river basins, and plan and promote the total phosphorus pollution control and the comprehensive treatment of "three phosphorus", agricultural non-point source pollution control, supervision and management of sewage outlets into the river. Together with the National Development and Reform Commission and other 17 departments, the Action Plan for Deepening the Protection and Restoration of the Yangtze River was jointly issued to clarify the objectives and tasks of comprehensive treatment of phosphorus pollution, and required to further deepen the inspection and treatment of "three phosphorus" in the Yangtze River, strengthen the comprehensive utilization of phosphogypsum, strengthen the supervision of the ecological environment in key industries and key regions, and promote the stable and up-to-standard discharge of phosphorus ore and phosphorus chemical enterprises. Hubei, Guizhou and other provinces where the production of phosphate rock and phosphate fertilizer is relatively concentrated are required to formulate more strict regulations on total phosphorus emission control. At present, six provinces, including Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan and Jiangsu, have issued total phosphorus pollution control plans, and the control work is progressing in an orderly manner.

Next, we will focus on the following work. First, closely focus on the total phosphorus pollution load reduction, guide and urge the provinces in the Yangtze River basin to implement the total phosphorus pollution control plan, and solidly promote the implementation and effectiveness of the total phosphorus pollution prevention and control work. The second is to strengthen the coordination of departments, form joint efforts, promote the implementation of the relevant tasks of the Action Plan for Deeply Fighting the Protection and Restoration of the Yangtze River, and continue to improve the water ecological environment quality of the Yangtze River basin. thank you.
Southern Weekend: Some cities are prone to overflow pollution after heavy rain. How to solve these problems?

Huang Xiaozi: Thank you, reporter friend. The problem of non-point source pollution in urban and rural areas in some places is relatively prominent. The dry season "harboring filth" and the rainy season "zero savings and consolidation" restrict the continuous and stable improvement of the water ecological environment quality. In order to promote the solution of this problem, on the basis of in-depth research, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the Notice on Carrying out Pollution Intensity Analysis in Flood Season to Promote the Solution of Outstanding Water Environment Problems last year, requiring all regions to carry out pollution intensity analysis in flood season, find out the pollution base number in flood season, and accurately identify the situation that the water ecological environment quality is good at ordinary times, but the concentration of pollutants in flood season has increased significantly and the environmental quality has deteriorated, The main purpose is to clarify the responsibilities for the prevention and control of non-point source pollution in relevant administrative areas, guide and urge local governments to carry out the prevention and control of urban and rural non-point source pollution in a solid manner, and strive to reduce the load of non-point source pollution.

At the same time, in order to strengthen the technical guidance to all localities, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has organized and formulated the Technical Guidelines for Monitoring Pollution Intensity of Surface Water in Flood Season (Trial) to guide all localities to establish a technical system for monitoring pollution intensity in flood season based on the actual situation. Three factors, including permanganate index, ammonia nitrogen, and total phosphorus, are selected as pollution monitoring indicators during the flood season, and various means such as automatic water quality monitoring stations, automatic samplers, and manual encrypted monitoring are fully utilized to comprehensively and accurately grasp the pollution intensity during the flood season.

Using the monitoring data, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment accurately identified the top 50 state-controlled sections with high pollution intensity in the flood season, promptly increased the efforts of early warning and information disclosure, conducted pressure, and urged relevant local sources to rectify, and achieved good results.

In the next step, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will continue to strengthen the monitoring and analysis of pollution intensity in the flood season, guide all localities to further strengthen the efforts of pollution interception and control, carry out in-depth investigation, monitoring, tracing, remediation and other work of sewage outlets, further improve the level of environmental infrastructure construction, accelerate the completion of urban and rural non-point source pollution prevention and control deficiencies, and steadily improve the quality of the national water ecological environment. Thank you.

Liu Youbin: This is the end of today's press conference. Thank you!